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SV 0011 - Upper Chamber



Your mind feels clearer now that you remember your name once again, even if only slightly. Everything else is a big shrouded mystery still, so you ask Ilya if she (at least you suppose you should call it a she, being a part of you, after all) knows anything about your current whereabouts.

"WhilE I cAn'T RetURn aLl of yOuR mEMorIes pREsenTly, I Can shArE With yOu anY iNforMaTion StoreD in mE." the orb explains "ACcorDIng to tHe kNoWledGe I pOSseSs, you Are inSidE the MYSTIC SLUMBER CHAMBER of THE FORLORN HAND tEmPle. The LOwer ChaMberS, to be precise."

THE FORLORN HAND. The name sounds vaguely familiar, now that you think about it, like a very distant yet unfamiliar dream. You urge the knowledgeable orb to tell you more.

"THE FORLORN HAND is a MOnaStiC orDEr of MysTics whO sTrIvE for BAlance and peACe in aLl tHinGs. I caNnot say wHerE the naME orIgInAtes FroM, bECauSe I do NoT haVe tHat InFormATion. I DO kNoW thAt YoU are a PrieSteSs of sAiD orDer."

Small flashes of times past flicker at the back of your mind as you ponder, fleeting images that you cannot grasp or recall properly. Struggling to remember, the only thing you get is a headache, so you decide to not delve deeper for now. Instead, you ask Ilya how to get out of this place.

"FrOm wHat I Know, tHesE cHaMbeRs are bEloW the TemPle, so thE LogiCal diRecTiOn is UP." the orb responds.

> Climb up
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